Glimpses of Your Body United

There are glimpses, Lord, of Your Body united
and these glimpses are beautiful.

They let me know that this harmony, health and peace are possible,
and, in spite of other times that shatter this vision,
You will draw us like a magnet to Yourself.
There will be a time
when all the broken and dispersed pieces of Yourself
will come together in beautiful reality.

Lord, sometimes I feel as if I’m living in the valley of dry bones—
surrounded by parched and bleached body parts
disconnected from each other,
unable to perform the simplest function of the living.

But then I hear a voice and a sweet wind brushes my face
like angel wing tips in a dream.
I see a strange movement.
I feel an innate desire for being connected
moving through the bones:
a song sung in harmony,
an embrace between two who thought they had nothing in common,
a move to forgive before forgiveness is requested,
a meltdown of the spirit in some small group studying Your Word.

I feel it then in my own bones—a pull drawing me to the Head of focus.
I sense a warming in the marrow, a kindling of fire.
These times make me dare to trust
that the dislocated body parts will not only adjoin,
they will form the body of a beautiful Bride,
breathless with infatuation,
as she walks with perfect grace toward her Groom.

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